Radio Free Hub City is now the last locally owned news outlet in Hagerstown and Washington County. While other news outlets have never been truly locally owned, or have even packed up shop and relocated to the Washington DC area, Radio Free Hub City continues to invest into providing local news and entertainment free of charge to our fans. We don’t hide our content behind a paywall, and we focus only on local content relevant to our fans, and not Washington, DC or Montgomery County.

We have some fantastic plans lined up for the near future, including increased indie music coverage, increased news, and new entertainment audio and video programs. But none of this can be made possible without your continuing support.

We currently have 3,000 followers on Facebook. If only half of those followers purchased only one shirt, we’d be able to fairly compensate all of the RFHC team for all the hard work they’ve put in so far, while still saving a significant amount to re-invest back into RFHC. That means we only need one in two followers to purchase a single shirt to keep RFHC up and running for the foreseeable future.

Will you be the one who buys a shirt, and helps support RFHC?

If you can’t afford a shirt right now, we absolutely understand. If you can’t support us right now, could you at least share this campaign for someone else who might be able to? Your support, even through just sharing this campaign with others, would go a long way towards helping us meet our goals.

Thank you for your continued support of Radio Free Hub City!