HAGERSTOWN, MD News (6/3/2024) – The Washington County Board of County Commissioners announced today the appointment of Anthony Napoli as the new Director of Transit. Napoli’s extensive background in public transit, marked by a decade of experience across various roles, promises to bring a wealth of knowledge and a fervent commitment to the county’s transportation system.

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Anthony Napoli’s career in public transit began at the grassroots level, starting as a driver and operator. These initial roles provided him with critical insights into the everyday operations and challenges of transit services. His career trajectory includes significant positions such as safety manager, trainer, and dispatcher. These roles have allowed Napoli to develop a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted nature of public transportation.

Napoli’s experience is further enriched by his collaborations with several notable state agencies and organizations. His work with NJ State Agencies, State Transit, Somerville County, and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has equipped him with a broad skill set and expertise. These experiences are pivotal as he steps into his new role, aiming to lead Washington County’s transportation division towards continued growth and excellence.

“I am thrilled to join the Washington County team and look forward to expanding and enhancing our transportation services,” said Napoli. “My goal is to ensure that our transit system is efficient, safe, and meets the needs of our community. I am committed to fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within the department.”

Napoli’s diverse background and steadfast dedication to public service make him an invaluable addition to Washington County. His appointment aligns with the county’s commitment to providing top-tier transportation services to its residents. The Board of County Commissioners expressed their enthusiasm for Napoli’s vision and leadership, anticipating a period of significant positive change under his guidance.


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The entire Washington County team has extended a warm welcome to Anthony Napoli, expressing their eagerness to support him in his new role. As the county looks forward to improved and expanded transit services, Napoli’s leadership is seen as a critical component in achieving these goals.

This appointment marks a significant step in Washington County’s ongoing efforts to enhance its public transportation infrastructure. With Napoli at the helm, the county is poised to implement innovative solutions and improvements that will benefit all residents. The Board of County Commissioners remains confident that Napoli’s expertise and passion for transit will drive the county’s transportation system towards new heights of efficiency and service quality.

For Washington County residents, this new leadership signals a commitment to maintaining and elevating the standards of their public transit system. Anthony Napoli’s appointment is not just a new chapter for the county’s transit department but also a promise of a more efficient, safe, and community-focused transportation network.

Story by multiple RFHC contributors