HAGERSTOWN, MD News (6/26/2024) – Radio Free Hub City announces a significant development following the recent Supreme Court decision that permits the Biden administration to continue urging social media platforms to remove content identified as misinformation. The 6-3 decision nullified a challenge from Missouri, Louisiana, and five social media users, citing their lack of legal standing. As such, Radio Free Hub City is taking steps to ensure that free speech can thrive, even in this new era of government “encouraged” censorship.

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Although the Supreme Court’s ruling allows the White House and federal agencies to persist in their efforts, we at Radio Free Hub City strongly disagree with this decision. It is important to note that the case was dismissed not because it is acceptable for the government to participate in social media censorship but solely due to the plaintiffs’ lack of legal standing.

In light of the ongoing concerns about free speech and the government’s influence over social networks, we are excited to announce the launch of Hub City Community, a new forum dedicated to open and respectful discourse on topics of local and national importance.

Hub City Community is designed to provide a safe harbor where individuals can freely discuss and share ideas without fear of government interference in content removal decisions on platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. As we welcome topics and conversations, we will be setting up categories to keep discussions organized. Our primary focus will be on maintaining a respectful environment in line with our established community code of conduct.


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Most importantly, we want to assure our community that we will not allow government entities to influence our moderation decisions. In fact, if a government entity approaches us to request the removal of a post, we will be even less likely to comply with such requests, and probably even publicly mock the requesting agency or government entity. Our commitment is to uphold the principles of free speech (within reason) and ensure a platform where information flows freely.

Join us in this new era for Hub City as we champion the free exchange of ideas and support a community dedicated to open dialogue. We look forward to seeing the vibrant discussions and diverse perspectives that will make Hub City Community a valuable resource for all.

Welcome to Hub City Community, where the free flow of information shines.